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A while back I was welcomed to the office by a vCenter Server Appliance critical health alert, specifically, ‘The /storage/log filesystem is out of disk space or inodes’. This error is usually due to a failed automated log clean-up process, so in this article I detail how to implement a temporary ‘get out of jail’ fix, followed by a more permanent fix with the identification of the offending files and how to tidy them up.

VCSA Storage Logs Full Overall Health

Firstly, let’s take a look at the file  system itself in order to confirm our UI findings. SSH onto the VCSA appliance and enter BASH, then list all available file systems via the df -h command. From the below screenshot the UI warning has been confirmed, specifically, the file system in question has been completely consumed.

VCSA Storage Logs Full Disk Consumed
Confirming the consumed file system.

The ‘Get Out of Jail’ Temporary Fix

In the unfortunate event that this issue is preventing you from accessing vCenter, we can implement a quick fix by extending the affected disk. Note, this is a quick fix only and should be implemented to restore vCenter access only. This should not be relied on as a permanent resolution.

As we have already identified the problematic disk, jump over to the vSphere client and extend the disk in question (you call by how much, but in my environment, I’ve added an additional 5 GB). This leaves us the final task of initiating the extension and enabling the VCSA to see the additional space. Depending on your VCSA version, there are two options:

VCSA v6.0
vpxd_servicecfg storage lvm autogrow
VCSA v6.5 and 6.7

Lastly, list all file systems to confirm the extension has been realised.

VCSA Storage Logs Full Disk Available
The results of the extension…

Permanent Fix

So, we’re out of jail, but we still have an offending consumer. In my instance, checking within the file system identified a number of large log files. These hadn’t been cleared automatically by the VCSA so a manual intervention was required. Specifically, the removal of localhost_access_log, vmware-identity-sts, and vmware-identity-sts-perf logs was required. These can be removed via the below command.

rm log-file-name.*
VCSA Storage Logs - Purge Logs
Purging the offending logs…

Following the removal, another df -h show’s we’re back in business.

VCSA Storage Logs Full After Cleanup
…and the results of the purge.

Lastly, and in this instance, restart the Security Token Service to initiate the creation of new log files.

service vmware-stsd restart
VCSA Storage Logs - Restart vmware-stsd
Restart the Security Token Service to initiate the creation of new log files.

Further Reading

For this specific issue, please see VMware KB article 2143565, however, if in doubt, do call upon the VMware Support. The team will be able to assist you in identifying the offending files/directories which can be safely removed.


  1. This saved me. Thank you for publishing this. I didn’t realize that the one mount of drives could bring a company down!

  2. Great post – got us out of a serious jam. We could not power on VMs because of the log files “stuck” in the SSO directory

  3. Great article and thank you. Following your article I was able to free up 4% of space. I was wondering what else I can safely remove? Thank you

    localhost:/storage/log # df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda3 11G 6.1G 4.1G 60% /
    udev 4.0G 164K 4.0G 1% /dev
    tmpfs 4.0G 44K 4.0G 1% /dev/shm
    /dev/sda1 128M 41M 81M 34% /boot
    /dev/mapper/core_vg-core 25G 7.2G 17G 31% /storage/core
    /dev/mapper/log_vg-log 9.9G 8.9G 475M 96% /storage/log
    /dev/mapper/db_vg-db 9.9G 304M 9.1G 4% /storage/db
    /dev/mapper/dblog_vg-dblog 5.0G 267M 4.5G 6% /storage/dblog
    /dev/mapper/seat_vg-seat 9.9G 507M 8.9G 6% /storage/seat
    /dev/mapper/netdump_vg-netdump 1001M 18M 932M 2% /storage/netdump
    /dev/mapper/autodeploy_vg-autodeploy 9.9G 151M 9.2G 2% /storage/autodeploy
    /dev/mapper/invsvc_vg-invsvc 5.0G 168M 4.6G 4% /storage/invsvc

    localhost:/storage/log # du -h
    4.0K ./remote
    16K ./lost+found
    12K ./vmware/vws/watchdog-vws
    16K ./vmware/vws
    48K ./vmware/sso/utils
    388M ./vmware/sso
    517M ./vmware/vmafdd
    4.0K ./vmware/vctop
    29M ./vmware/invsvc
    756K ./vmware/vmdir
    84K ./vmware/vdcs/vdcserver
    3.5G ./vmware/vdcs
    370M ./vmware/vsphere-client/logs/access
    403M ./vmware/vsphere-client/logs
    412M ./vmware/vsphere-client
    76K ./vmware/vsm/web
    46M ./vmware/vsm
    245M ./vmware/vmcad
    104K ./vmware/applmgmt/applmgmt-audit
    4.5M ./vmware/applmgmt
    1.8G ./vmware/cloudvm
    4.0K ./vmware/vapi-endpoint
    180M ./vmware/perfcharts
    8.0K ./vmware/vmafd
    37M ./vmware/iiad
    268M ./vmware/vmware-sps
    24K ./vmware/syslog/watchdog-syslog
    9.4M ./vmware/syslog
    16K ./vmware/vpxd/watchdog-vpxd
    21M ./vmware/vpxd/drmdump/domain-c76
    21M ./vmware/vpxd/drmdump
    88K ./vmware/vpxd/inventoryservice-registration
    4.0K ./vmware/vpxd/uptime/error
    8.0K ./vmware/vpxd/uptime
    555M ./vmware/vpxd
    28K ./vmware/rbd
    32K ./vmware/vpostgres/watchdog-vmware-vpostgres
    200K ./vmware/vpostgres
    20K ./vmware/rhttpproxy/watchdog-rhttpproxy
    5.6M ./vmware/rhttpproxy
    4.0K ./vmware/mbcs
    40K ./vmware/psc-client/utils
    1.6M ./vmware/psc-client
    11M ./vmware/vsan-health
    4.0K ./vmware/netdumper
    76K ./vmware/eam/web
    11M ./vmware/eam
    92K ./vmware/rsyslogd
    5.2M ./vmware/cm/firstboot
    4.0K ./vmware/cm/work/Tomcat/localhost/ROOT
    8.0K ./vmware/cm/work/Tomcat/localhost
    12K ./vmware/cm/work/Tomcat
    16K ./vmware/cm/work
    16M ./vmware/cm
    2.9M ./vmware/cis-license/history
    50M ./vmware/cis-license
    101M ./vmware/workflow
    36M ./vmware/vapi/endpoint
    36M ./vmware/vapi
    4.0K ./vmware/sca/work/Tomcat/localhost/ROOT
    8.0K ./vmware/sca/work/Tomcat/localhost
    12K ./vmware/sca/work/Tomcat
    16K ./vmware/sca/work
    537M ./vmware/sca
    88M ./vmware/vmdird
    8.8G ./vmware
    8.8G .

    1. Great news Michael! This post has certainly been interesting to follow in terms of replies. Remember though, this is only a get of jail card. Once you’ve got your VCSA back up and running, I’d suggest logging a support call with GSS (if you haven’t already) to finalise the issue. Also, the following KB might help further –

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